C. English Grade XI

(Note: These answers are prepared by Ananata Bhattarai)

Solved Long Questions of Meanings into Words

(For the students of class 11 or PCL First Year)


1. Write an essay by describing the locations of things in your room. (Unit 1)

            A man lives in a society. He needs many things in his life. Food, cloth and house are his basic needs. A house protects him from heat, coldness and rain. Some people live in their own rooms and other people live in common rooms. But, I live in my own room.

            My room is on the second floor. It is quite big too. It is under the roof of the house. It is painted with light green colour. There are two big windows on both sides. So, my room is very bright and sunny. I have painted the windows with white colour. There is a double bed at the right corner of the room. There is a book rack by the bed. There is a table next to the book rack. A big cassette player and some textbooks are on the table. There are three chairs around it. A green carpet is on the floor. All my clothes are on the hanger which is on the door. I have used another corner of the room as a kitchen. It is at the back side of the bed.  There are many pots inside the kitchen rack. A gas stove is on it. There are some pictures of famous persons, beautiful posters and a calendar on the wall. My room is in the open area. So, a beautiful scene of nature can be seen from my room.

            But, it has some problems. Sometimes, when the rain falls, water leaks from the roof. The glass of one window is broken. There is no glass in another window. I have covered it with plastic.  There is not a fan on the ceiling. It is near the cinema hall. So, it disturbs me too much.

However, my room is very comfortable. It is very beautiful. I like my room very much.

2. Write a part of a magazine article describing your town and what visitors can do there. (Unit 1, Page No. 7) (HSEB-2059)

            Nepal is an underdeveloped country. There are more villages than towns in the country. The villages are mainly on the hilly regions of the country. My town is on the hilly region too. It is very beautiful. I like my town very much.

            The name of my town is Gorkhabazar. It is the headquarter of the district Gorkha. It is the historical place where the great king Prithvi Narayan Shah had ruled the country in the 19th century. So, it is known as the old capital of Nepal. There is a temple of Kalika on the top of a small hill. One can see very beautiful scene of green mountains and a wide range of white Himalayas from here. There is 'Gorkha Durbar' next to the bus park. It is also a museum but it is not open for public yet. The special things of Gorkhabazar are stone-taps, which can be found in many parts of Gorkhabazar. Although, one can wash dirty clothes and take a bath, these taps become crowded most of the times. There is a problem of water except in Haramtari. Most of the governmental offices are in Haramtari. The greatest hotel of Gorkhabazar is Hotel Bisauni. One can have delicious Nepali foods here. It is the best place for sightseeing. Although, there are many cheap hotels and guesthouses where one can spend nights and take foods or drinks, the services provided by them are not satisfactory one. Although, it is a municipality, there are not good facilities of roads, irrigations, communications and hospitals.

3. Write a short magazine article, entitled 'A day in the life of (your name)'. (Page No. - 29)

            A man lives in a society. He comes into contact with different kinds of persons. He does different kinds of works within a day. What a man does within a single day is known as a daily routine. Everyone has his own type of daily routine, which is different from other persons. I have my own daily routine. This is described as follows-

            My name is Kedar Adhikari. I live at Tandibazar in Chitwan with my family. I am a student. I study at Nepal Higher Secondary School in the class 11 of management faculty. Usually, I get up at five o'clock early in the morning. Then, I go to toilet, brush my teeth and wash my face. I often eat bread or fried rice as a morning snack. At 5:20, I wear my school uniform and keep my textbooks into my bag and go to the school on my bicycle. I reach the school at quarter to six. Some of my friends have already come there. I talk with them. Our first class begins at 6 o'clock and the last class ends at quarter to 10 o'clock. I return from the school and change my uniform. I take my breakfast. Usually, I take dal, bhat and tarkari as breakfast. I often take milk and pickle. After this, I start studying my textbooks and doing my homeworks for three hours. Sometimes, when I feel bored, I watch TV or listen to radio.

            At 2 o’clock, I take snack lunch. About half past four, I often go to my friend's house. Sometimes, we play volleyball or football or chess.  Sometimes, we go to see cinemas. Sometimes, we go for sightseeing. Sometimes, we go for a walk. I return home about seven o'clock and eat dinner. I eat dal, bhat and tarkari as dinner. Sometimes, I take bananas or slices of cucumber. Then, I study for 2 hours. Sometimes, I watch TV or listen to radio and go to bed about 10 o'clock. . Twice a year, I go outside the district to see many beautiful parts of the country. My father works in a travel agency. Many tourists come to visit Nepal from the different parts of the foreign country and I have to take them to visit the beautiful towns of the country.

4. Imagine that, 50 years from now, someone in your class is very famous. Write an account of his/her life. (Page No. - 43) (HSEB-2061)

            People work hard.  All the people cannot get success in their lives. But, very few of them get so much success that they became very famous in the whole country. In our class, there is a student. His name is Saroj Neupane. After 50 years from now, he became a famous doctor.

            He was born in a very poor family in 2045. His parents were poor farmers. There were six children in their house. Sometimes, they slept without eating anything. The parents didn't have money to send Saroj in school. First of all, Saroj worked in a rich man's house as a servant. In the mornings and evenings, he used to do house works but in the daytimes, he used to go to school. He was a very hard working student. He stood first every year. He passed SLC with distinction in 2061. In I.Sc., he became board third and he went to India to study medicine under Colombo plan. After eight years, he became an optician. He married a beautiful girl after two years. By the end of 2115, he became very famous doctor.

            He lived at Kuleshore in Kathmandu. He worked in Teaching Hospital. Besides that, he worked in many nursing homes. He himself established a nursing home at Kalimati. His majesty the government of Nepal had awarded him as "Outstanding Youth of 2062". He has got many awards including Gorkha Dakshinbahu from the king. He has earned so much popularity that the people come from far and wide to meet him.


5. Write an account of the most important events in your country's history, and when they happened. (Page No.-43) (HSEB-2056, 2062)

One of the most important events of Nepal is the establishment of democracy in 2007 B.S. The cruel Ranas were ruling the country. They were very selfish. They might kill anyone who disliked them. They did not let the common people to go to schools for reading and writing. They used to pass their time very luxuriously. There was no freedom for speaking too.

            The late king Tribhuwan decided to overthrow such cruel rule of Ranas from the country. He went to India to get help from the Indian government. With the help from Nepali Congress, he began an armed movement. Many people died and became wounded. Mohan Shamser made Gyanendra as the King of Nepal. But the government of India did not accept Gyanendra as the king of Nepal. Finally, there was held treaty among, three groups i.e. the king Tribhuwan, the representatives of Ranas and Nepali Congress. They decided to establish democracy in Nepal. This treaty is called Delhi treaty. Democracy was established on 7 Falgun¸ 2007 BS. Tribhuwan was made the king of Nepal. He made a joint government and decided to bring into force a democratic constitution. In this way, the rule of   Ranas, which had begun from 1903 BS, came to an end after 104 years. The people of Nepal became very happy. The first democratic constitution was announced on 17 Chaitra, 2007 BS. There was happiness everywhere. All the restrictions imposed upon political parties were released. The people become free from the cruel chains of Ranas. They got freedom for speaking and writing too.

6. Write a letter to a friend describing a difficult situation you are going through at the moment. (Page No. - 58)   

Narayangarh-12, Chitwan

17 April, 2005

Dear Prakash,

            I got your letter on 16 April. Thank you very much for remembering me so much. These days, I am not feeling very happy because I have badly wounded one of my eyes in an accident.

            It was the accident of 2 days ago. It was a very hot day. I was taking a rest with my friends after playing football on a ground. Our body smelled badly because of sweat. So, we decided to go to the Narayani river for swimming. Taking off our clothes, we dived into the river. The river was deep enough for swimming. We were playing 'hide and seek' game in the water. While playing the game, I decided to dive into the river from a height. I wanted to show my courage to my friends. When I was just about to dive, I felt dizzy and fell from the height and I injured one of my eyes badly and then I was hospitalized.

            Although the doctor has said that the eyes can be cured, it will cost 5 lakhs rupees for the operation. He has said if the operation is not done on time, it will also affect another eye and I will become blind. I am quite worried by thinking that my poor father will not be able to collect the money within one month. We have no land for selling. Can you tell me any way to come out of this difficult situation?

            Convey my regards to your papa and mama. I hope you are quite fine there with your family members. This much for today. I will write more in my next letter.

Yours faithfully,

Gopal Shrestha


7. Write a letter to a friend telling him/her what your plans are for the next 12 months. (Page No.-58) (HSEB-2057)

Tandibazar, Chitwan

17 April, 2005

Dear Sunita,

            I got your letter on 16 April. I became very happy as I got it after a long time. Here, I am quite fine. I hope you are also fine there. As you had asked me to write my plans for the next twelve months, I am going to write about them in short.

            First, I will study very hard to pass the examination, which is coming very near. After that, there will be summer vacation in our school. I think I will go to visit many beautiful cities of my country. Then, I will join class 12. At Dashain and Tihar festival, I will go to my own house. I will enjoy the festivals by playing swing and cards. After this, our school will reopen. In the winter vacation, I will go to Kathmandu to check my eye. Sometimes, tear comes from my eyes while studying textbooks. After the winter vacation, when our school opens again, there will be many extra curricular activities. I think I will take part in essay writing and volleyball tournament. If I passed the examination, I would go to Kathmandu for further study.

            This  much for today. I will write more for the next time.

Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                                          Binita Poudel

8. Write an essay on "Television". (Page No. – 72, Unit 10.7) (HSEB-2060)

            The scientists of the world are inventing many kinds of modern technologies, which have made our lives quite easier. Among many such modern inventions, a television is the most important invention of modern science.

            Television is becoming popular day by day. A black and white television is much cheaper than a colour television. Although, television gives a lot of information, it may be harmful especially for children. It makes the environment of a house very bad. One forgets to do one's daily works. It makes the people very passive. Sometimes, television shows obscene scenes and broadcasts false news that affects onlookers negatively.

            There are so many advantages of television. One can watch and listen to news, informative and entertaining programmers on a television. One can get practically lots of information and entertainments from television. Television is a friend of loneliness. One can know the incidents happened all over the world just by sitting in one's own single room.

            One should not watch television more than necessary. One should watch television, only after completing one's duties and works. In conclusion, television is a curse as well as a boon. If we misuse it, it will be a curse. If we use it properly, it will be a boon.

9. Tell others about a mysterious or 'supernatural' experience that you had experienced. (Page No. - 88)

            This is a scientific age. We don't believe in anything if we do not have proofs about it. But there are some mysterious events, which we cannot prove scientifically. I had experienced one such mysterious event.

            It was the real incident happened ten years ago. I was a small child. One winter night, I was sleeping with my brothers. We had closed every door and window of our house because of coldness. Although I was lying on my bed, I was not asleep. I was fully awake and I was thinking about different kinds of things. Suddenly, I heard someone say, "Gopal, Where are you? I have come to bring you". It was very dark inside the room. I could not see anyone. I was afraid. Some mysterious creature caught me very tightly and became ready to take me away. I tried to shout, but I couldn't make a single word. My heart started beating very fast. I remembered the incident of my mamaghar (maternal uncle's house) from where a small child like me had been stolen by such mysterious creature. I could not shout for help. I could only breathe and move my hands slightly.

            Suddenly, there came an idea in my mind. I pinched to that mysterious creature forcefully with my long nails of my fingers. He released me and went away saying "Ugh!” I could not hear his footsteps. I switched on the light. I saw no one. Although, all doors and windows were closed he had already gone outside and had disappeared from there.

10. Write a short letter of application, including information about what you are good at. (Page No.-95)                                                           Sauraha, Chitwan

17 September, 2005


The Headmaster,

Nepal Higher Secondary School,

Tandi, Chitwan.


      Subject: Application for the post of a primary teacher.


Dear Sir,

            I wish to apply for the post of a primary teacher advertised in yesterday's newspaper "The Kathmandu Post".

            I am sixteen years old and I have just passed SLC examination in the second division from   Narayani High School of Chitwan choosing education as an extra optional subject. I have taught in many schools as a volunteer. I have a good knowledge about methods of teaching for children. I have got also recognitions from the concerned schools. I am good at teaching and drawing pictures.

            I have enclosed herewith my testimonials. You can have further information from the headmaster of Narayani High School. If the opportunity is given, I will do my best to ensure you the utmost satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,

Keshav Shrestha





11. Write a letter to a relative, asking for loan, and explaining why you need the money. (Page No.-104)

Tandibazar, Chitwan

17 June, 2005

Dear Uncle,

            I got your letter yesterday. I became very happy as I got the news of the house from your letter. I have been passing my days in normal ways. There is not anything especial news here. But one problem has come upon me.

            As my examination is beginning from the middle of next month, I am studying very hard these days. I have taken tuition for English. But I have no money. Even my father does not have any money at the present time. Uncle, please send me three thousand rupees with Kailash who will come here the next week. I have to buy some important textbooks and pay the rent of my room and the tuition fee. I will pay it back as soon as possible.

            I hope my nephew Rajendra and niece Srijana are doing best in their studies. Rajendra wants to play more. Please advise him politely from time to time.

            Convey my regards to Rajesh uncle and Rita aunt too. I am quite well. I hope you are quite well over there. I will come back after my examination. This much for today.

Yours respectfully,

Saroj Chaudhari


12. Tell the story of a time when you had a narrow escape. (Page No. - 120)

            It was an incident of two years ago. All of my friends had learnt to drive a motorcycle. But I hadn't learnt yet. Sometimes, the friends used to come to meet me. They talked about the enjoyments they get by driving different types of motorcycles. They taught me about the theoretical knowledge about the ways of driving a motorcycle. I had become quite interested in driving it, but I had not got any chance. I was quite busy in those days, as my final examination had come very near.

            One day, I saw my uncle's motorcycle on the side of a road. I looked around but I saw no one. Finding a golden chance, I started the motorcycle and drove it comfortably at first, though I was feeling quite nervous. I was not quite used to driving a motorcycle. I pressed the accelerator. To my fear, the motorcycle went ahead suddenly. I hardly control it. Suddenly, I saw a car coming towards me. I lost my sense. I turned the motorcycle to the wrong side. I almost hit the car and fell into a dirty lake with the motorcycle. The lake was near the road.

            There came my aunt, other relatives and friends. My whole body had become very ugly because of dirty water. They started laughing by looking at me. There came my uncle too and he used very angry languages to me. I had driven his motorcycle without his permission. I did not know that the motorcycle was on gear. Fortunately, any parts of the motorcycle had not broken. If there was not the pool, I would certainly die. I give thanks to the god for this luck.


13. Write a letter home describing life in your new accommodation. (Page No.-132) (HSEB-2058)

Dear Papa and Mama,

            I came here exactly at 4 o'clock in the afternoon after taking a bus from Gorkhabazar at one o'clock. Now, I am living at Tandibazar. It is a small town I have taken a room in rent. It is behind my school. It is as big as our living room. It faces the east. So, it is very sunny. There are two big windows in my room. I have to walk just five minutes to reach the school from my room.

            The toilet and bathroom are separate. But, there is the problem of water. The water comes early in the morning and late in the evening. If the water is not filled in those times, the clothes cannot be washed and pots cannot be cleaned. The landlord and landlady are very friendly. Here isn't any telephone facility. But, my landlord has filled application for telephone. I hope the telephone will be installed very soon.

            The rules and regulations of the house are very strict. Everybody should clean the toilet and the bathroom everyday and the house once a week. The dirts should be thrown into a pit. No one is allowed to come inside and go outside the house after nine o'clock in the evening and to drink beer inside it.

            I have to walk on foot for 5 minutes to reach my school. The bus station is on 5 minutes walk. I hope you are quite fine. Convey my regards to my uncle, aunt and other neighbors. This much for today.

Yours affectionately,

                                                                                                                            Saroj Neupane

14. Write a story about someone whose plans went horribly wrong. (Page No.-179) (HSEB-2058)

            I have many friends. One of my friend's names is Krishna Pokhrel. He is very much ambitious. He always makes great plans. He is a handsome youth, but he is very poor in his studies. He doesn't like to do any kinds of hard works, but he wants to eat tasty foods. Although, he is very poor, he wears very expensive shoes and clothes. Once, he told me his secret plan that went horribly wrong.

            Once, he said that he had fallen in love with a girl. She belonged to a rich family. Her name was Sharita. It seemed that he didn't know anything about Sharita. He had lied that he worked in an INGO and he had passed MBA from Tribhuwan University. It seemed that Sharita had easily believed every word of Krishna. She was the only daughter of her parents. Krishna used to tell me that he would marry her and he would be a millionaire. He always talked about going for traveling to America, Britain, Italy and Germany. He talked about modern facilities like television, computer, fridge or the things like those.

            Once, he did not meet her for two months. He made telephone calls to her but he got the message that she had gone to her maternal uncle's house. One day, he found her inside a restaurant. To his surprise, he found her married and talking with her new husband in a romantic way. There was a tilahari on her neck and sindur on her parting.

15. Write a review article for a newspaper of a recent film that you have seen. (Page No.-179) (HSEB-2059)

            One afternoon, my friend asked me to go to watch a film. I went with him to watch a Nepali feature film "Gorkhali" which had been showing from fifteen days ago.

            The film is about the victory of honesty. Except one, all other songs are not very good. The story of the film is very weak. No mother sends her son to a big city if there is no certainty of lodging and food. The hero goes to Kathmandu although his lodging and food are not quite certain. The film has not presented the realistic picture of a society. A friend of the hero, a pickpocket after some time makes his living by opening a new momo shop. The hero advises him to make an honest living. On the other side, the film presents a conflict between the poor hero and the rich heroine. Finally, the hero becomes successful in winning the heart of the heroine. The film gives a moral lesson that a man should be honest in his work and life.

            The director has presented a new heroine. Her acting is not very bad. She does not look as a good dancer like the hero. But, the film is full of humorous and romantic scenes, which has made the film quite interesting. It is a commercial film as it has used many commercial elements to make it quite interesting.

Best of Luck


                             The Magic of Words



1. Write an essay on "Living in the Country" (Pg. No. 100, Q.No.1)

The people who are living in the country are very happy. They are very honest, helpful and hard working. They are very near to the nature. The environment of the country is very clean. The people take fresh air, eat fresh vegetables and drink pure milk. So, they are very healthy, strong and active. The sweet sound of waterfalls or the bird-cuckoo, the white Himalayas above the green mountain can be found in the country. So, it is very beautiful like a heaven.       

Most of people are farmers in the country. They don’t know how to cheat someone. So, they are honest. Although, they earn very little money to keep their children, they are always seen smiling happily. They don't like any kinds of modern things. They use traditional ways of farming. Most of them are illiterate. They are very poor for money but they are very rich for kindness and help. Usually, they get up at 6 o'clock, milk their cows or buffaloes, plough their field, dig their farms and then return their home late in the evening by working very hard. They are very tired.

            In Nepal, most of the people are farmers. Nepal depends on agriculture. The farmers live in remote areas of the country. They are below the poverty line. The government is trying to develop villages, but there are not modern facilities yet. The lives of villagers are very difficult.

By living in the village, a person doesn't know modern things. His mind is very narrow. He does not want to become a great man in his life. Playing cards, drinking beer & chewing tobacco are bad things, which are found in the village. The youths should try to remove those bad things. If the government makes good hospitals, schools, universities in the village, and if it has modern facilities like electricity, telephone, drinking water and irrigation, then the living in the village will be very good. If we don’t develop the village, we cannot develop our nation. So, we all should try to develop our village. We should not hope that only government should develop the village. The young and old people should be active to remove the bad things of their villages. Only then, after some years, our Nepal will be a beautiful Nepal.


2. Write an essay on the "Position of Women in Nepal" (Pg. No. - 59, Q. No. –2)

            There are more than 50 percent of women in the total population of Nepal. But the people think women are very weak. They have become the servants of their husbands. The society of Nepal is very narrow. The daughters are not sent to schools. They are taught to do farming works. But women can do many great things. She is an ocean of love and kindness. If opportunities are given, she can become even a prime minister of a country not only a single housewife of a husband.

            Most of the women of Nepal are hated. The husbands think that women are like dolls. Women are not sent to schools. They are not allowed to have good jobs. But they are sent to cut grasses, to look after cattle and to do farming works. If a young girl walks with a young boy freely, the people think she is a bad girl. The girls don’t get any kinds of freedom. The women think they are weak but men are brave.

            So women don't like to do great thing in their life. The girls are taught so that they can be married to a better house nor that they have a good job. When a daughter is born in a house, the parents become very sad. She is not given any suitable opportunities. She must live in a controlled discipline. The position of women in Nepal is very dim. Some of the women are forced to sell their body in Bombay for money. They become prostitutes. Some of them are raped by cruel young boys.

            When a newly married woman goes to a new house, she cannot get any helps from her husband and the other family members of the house. They give many troubles to her. As she tries   to win the heart of her husband, she becomes unsuccessful.

            Nowadays, more and more women are educated. They have started to raise their voices against their bad husbands. Now, there are womens' organizations to look after their problems. The wide spread knowledge and communication have brought a great change in women. Some of them have reached the high post also. The government has given special importance for the development of womens' level. Day by day, they are going ahead. The society should help to go them ahead.

3. Write an essay about the strange dream that you have seen or heard recently.

     (Pg. No.-7, Q.N. –1)

A man should do many kinds of works in a whole day. He becomes very tired after doing a lot works. He has to take a rest. So, he goes to sleep in his bed. When he sleeps he may see a dream, which is strange or normal. From a dream we can know what a man wants.

Yesterday night, I saw a strange dream as I slept after having my dinner. In the dream, I was flying in the sky. As I went flying I landed on the top of a hill. It was covered by thick forest. It was completely unknown to me. I wanted to go to my house. I had one very important thing to do there. If I had not reached there on time, a very bad thing would happen. So, I climbed down the hill quickly. At the bottom it, there was a big and deep river. I could not   cross it. I became very sad. Why did I come in such a remote place? I thought the family members were waiting for me. But I had lived here being unable to cross the river. What were they saying to me? Thinking in this way I became very sad. Suddenly, a crocodile came towards me. He didn't attack and eat me up. He loved me very much. So, I also caught many big fish of the river easily and gave to the crocodile to eat. He became very happy. Then, I sat on his back and the crocodile swam across the river. But I slid from his back and fell into the deep river. Deep in the river, I found a very beautiful house of water-king and water-queen. They were man to the top but fish to the bottom. The king and queen welcomed me happily. They had a beautiful daughter. When they touched her with a magic stick, she changed into a beautiful lady. I liked her very much. I had never seen such a beautiful lady in my life. I said that I had fallen in love with her. She also said so. I was able to speak. The king and the queen married their daughter with me. When the marriage was over, she and I went to a very beautiful room with a soft bed. When she closed the door, I woke and found myself in my own room. My mother was calling me. This was the strange dream, which I never forget in my life.

4. Write a story about reincarnation that you have seen, heard or read. (Unit 1)

            This is a scientific age. In this age, we don’t believe that a man takes birth again after his death. But I had read a real story about reincarnation. It is so real-like that we cannot stop believing it.

            In the far western part of Nepal, there lived a poor family of three members-a wife, a husband and a son. The husband went to the jungle to cut firewood. Their son's name was Gopal. As the time passed, Gopal became bigger and bigger. At the age of one year and three months, he started speaking the words like 'mama' and 'papa'. By the age of four, he could talk with his parents perfectly.

            Their house was near a jungle on the top of a small hill. One day, the woodcutter suffered from pneumonia as he worked in the cold rain. He had been running a fever of 1040. A local doctor came and checked him. But the woodcutter didn't become better. Day by day, the woodcutter became worse and worse. He had become very weak. His wife looked after him very carefully but no medicine cured him. A group of neighbours came to his house to wish him a good health. The dying woodcutter was brought out of the house near the vase of tulasi plant. At that time, their son was not there. The wife of the woodcutter searched for her son. She found him grinding the pants of some herbs in a big stone." Mama, mama, give this paste to the father. He will be well as before." the child said. "Nonsense" the woman said, "Even a doctor couldn't cure him. How does a small boy of four years like you know such great thing?"

                 But Gopal took a spoonful of the paste and fed his father in spite of oppositions from his mother and neighbours. But when the woodcutter ate the paste, slowly and slowly he became well. Within an hour, he was able to sit on his bed. After two hours, the woodcutter asked for a hot soup and a plateful of rice. When he took both of them, he became very healthy as before. Seeing this great change, the mother asked him to tell how he knew all these things. Then Gopal told a story-

            "I was born in Manipur of India as the only one son of Bhoj Raj and Sulochana 48 years ago. I was famous pharmacist of that place. But I died in a bus accident at the age of 43 and born again here. I had written a book named "Bharat Ka Jadibutiyan" (The Herbs of India). My name was Naresh Tiwari."Later, a group neighbours went there and checked the things whether they were false or True. They found all the things completely true. It was believed that the boy had reincarnated.

5. Write a story by describing an incident of your serious illness. (Pg .No. -166 -Q. N. 4)

      The body of a man is made of many parts. All the parts of a body should work well for a good health. If one part doesn't work well, a man becomes ill. To be ill, is a normal thing. For a good health, a man should take pure water and clean foods. He should take bath regularly. In spite of these things, one may become ill.

        I had become very ill when I was 10 years old. I was playing football match with my friends in a big ground. It was a cold afternoon of December. The sky was covered by dark clouds. Suddenly, rain started falling. But we didn't stop playing. We played for one hour in the heavy rain. We won the match. Then, I returned the house and changed my dress. After having dinner, I slept in my bed. I was not feeling well. I had a fever of 100º. As the night grew, the fever went higher. My father, mother and other family members came into my room and looked after me very carefully. I took some tablets of paracetamol, but the fever didn't become less. My mother put wet handkerchief on my forehead. Our house was in a remote village of Nepal. The hospital was very far. There were not good doctors in the hospital. My father went to call a local health assistant. He came and checked me. I came to know that I had pneumonia. He gave some advices.  There was so much pain in my head that I wanted to cut it off if it was possible. Next morning, I was sent to a hospital on a stretcher of a thick cloth.

        As I reached the hospital, I became unconscious. I didn't know what happened after this. Later my parents told me that I was given four bottles of saline. I was kept in the emergency ward .The local doctors, some health assistants and nurses helped me for the treatment. They told me that they had lost hope. I had lung problem. My parents had prayed for the God for my good health. Perhaps, the God knew the problems. After six hours, as I became conscious, I found myself in the bed of the hospital. The doctor and the nurses were smiling happily. After living in the hospital for four days, I returned back to the house.


6. If you have ever had the experience of putting your pied in your bouche, recount it and it's consequences. (Pg.No. -128, Q.No.1)   -ltdLn] af]Nbf u/]sf] uNtLn] kf/]sf] ;d:of / o;sf] kl/)ffdsf] af/]df j)f{g  u/ . _

        A man is not perfect. He can do many mistakes in his life while speaking, writing or doing things. It is a human nature. But a man should not do the same mistake again .If he does the same mistake again, he does not become a good man. So, a man should be very careful in his actions and speeches.

        I lived in a small town of Nepal. My older brother had gone to Britain for a job. After passing S.L.C exam, I joined a university but I couldn't pass the university exam. I tried very hard to get some job but I didn't get any one. So I decided to open a new cassette recording centre. For this I needed a good cassette player. My brother was returning to Nepal after some months. So, one day I made a telephone call to him and asked him to bring "cats set". He said yes. So I prepared for taking a room in rent in the center of the market. I bought many necessary things for my new business of opening a new cassette-recording centre.

        On the day of coming of my brother, I went to the airport with my friends to welcome him. I had proudly told them that my brother is bringing me a new big cassette player. The airplane arrived one hour later. When the brother came out of the airport building, I asked where the box of cassette player was. Then, he gave me a beautiful box in which the thing that I wanted was packed in attractive ways. "Look friends! This good cassette player is sent to me by my brother. Do you have such cassette player? No, you don't have". Saying so, I opened the box.

"You're lucky brother", one of them said. But when I opened the box, two white cats got up from their seats and made sounds looking towards us. "Hello! Brother. I had asked you to bring a new "cassette", but why did you bring "cats?" I asked him surprisingly.

"You had asked me to bring "cats set". I understood you love keeping cats. So, I brought two white cats or cat's set.

    “Cat's set ' or 'cassette'?" I asked sadly.

"You said 'cat's set' not a cassette player on the telephone."


Hearing this, my friends laughed at me. I realized that I had done a great mistake. I had to say cassette player. But my English was very poor. So I made a mistake. I said "cat's set" for “cassette player”. As we returned home in a car, I was thinking about this mistake and the importance of English language. Now, I decided not to open a new cassette recording center.


Best of Luck



Solved Long Questions of The Magic Of Words


Q.1 Write the story “The Lost Doll” as the story of reincarnation.         

a)The Meaning of Reincarnation:-Reincarnation means rebirth after death. It is a belief in which a soul enters a new body after one’s death. The person who reincarnates must have similar face, bodily structures, habits and characters. He or she must know something true of his past life, which no one had told. In this sense, we can say that Evangelina is the reincarnation of Carmen.  

b) Physical Features:-Evangelina has the face like of her elder sister Carmen. Not only this, her habits and character are also similar like of her elder sister Carmen. There is only one big difference between them. Evangelina is healthy child where as Carmen was quite sick child. This is only one weak point for the proof of reincarnation but the difference in necessary for the story.

c) Knowledge About the Lost Doll:-Secondly, Evangelina tells that she had a doll, which had blue eyes and a red dress. Actually no one had told her that the doll had such colour of eyes and dress. She also tells that she had buried the doll under a big tree in the yard. When Rosa Soto, the mother digs up there, she finds the doll, which was thought to be lost at first. She knows all these things. This is the greatest proof to say that Evangelina is the reincarnation of Carmen.

d) Remembrance of the Past Action:-Thirdly, she says that she was sick many years before. She talks, as if she herself is Carmen. If she is not the reincarnated form of Carmen, she will not talk in this way. She further says that she remembers it well.

e) The Final Story: -Fourthly, the final story told by Evangelina helps to prove that Evangelina is the reincarnation of Carmen. She says that there came a priest and prayed with his hand and she went to sleep. Then someone woke her up. The duration between her sleep and waking up can be interpreted as the duration between the death of Carmen and the birth of Evangelina.

f) The Justice of the God: -Nextly, Roberto has a faith in the god but Rosa Soto did not have. Perhaps he had done sin therefore the god took Carmen away and when they become free of sin the god sent Carmen in the form of healthy Evangelina. From this supernatural point of view, we can say that Evangelina is the reincarnation of Carmen.

g) Conclusion:-Although such supernatural element like reincarnation cannot be believed in this modern and scientific age, we must believe in reincarnation while reading this story.The plot of the story seems so realistic that we cannot stop in believing that Evangelina is the reincarnation of Carmen. Even the proofs are irrefutable. From above points, we can say that this story is the highly sucessful story of reincarnation.


Solved Short/Long Questions of Link English

(For the students of class 11 or PCL First Year)


Q.1 Write a short physical description about your pen-friend. (Pg. No.101, Ex.-2)

        I have got a pen-friend. His name is John Smith. He lives in America. He is 16 years old. He is very healthy and he weighs 55 kg. His colour of skin is brown. He has got black eyes, which are quite big. He keeps moustache, but he has no  beard. He has a white set of  teeth. He has got attractive smile and charming voice. When he laughs, dimples fall on the both sides of his cheeks. Similarly, he has got golden colour of hair with center parting. Unfortunately, his face is full of marks of acnes. But he is helpful, kind and friendly. He studies very hard in a university. He has a good sense of humour too. Everybody loves him very much and I also like him very much.

Q.2 Write a short description about the wedding ceremony that you have seen. (Pg. No.129, Q.N.-4)

    It was the end of December. The date of the marriage of my sister was fixed. As my father asked me to help him to buy necessary things needed for marriage, I became quite busy from a few days before the marriage. The relatives started coming. On the day of marriage, a group of friends of my sister came and made her up beautifully. I was busy in preparing food items and doing other necessary works. The procession came at 11:00 o’clock. First of all, the worksof swayambar began. As the time passed all the works of marriage came to an end. My sister was wearing a dark coloured Banarashi Sari and brother-in-law was wearing a black suit. Our house was decorated richly with different colours of papers and lights. Sweet Hindi and Nepali filmy songs were played in a big cassette player. Finally, when my sister was to be sent off, she wept sadly . I carried her on my back and put her on the seat of a car. As I returned back from there, I became quite sad. I thought someone had gone somewhere forever.

Q.3 Make a dialogue between two friends about the marriage of one relative.

        (Ram and Hari are two close friends of a campus. When it is a tiffin time, they go to the canteen of the campus and start talking in their own way.)       

        Ram: Is your sister ill? She isn’t coming campus these days

        Hari: No, she isn’t. She’s got married

        Ram: Really! I didn’t know about that. Why didn’t she invite me?

Hari: As decision was made quickly, only few guests were invited.

Ram: When was it?

Hari: The day before yesterday

Ram: I’d gone to your house that day, but it was locked

Hari: The wedding took place in a temple.

Ram: Oh! I see. Why is she getting married so early?

Hari: It was my father’s decision.

Ram: Will she continue her studies after her wedding?

Hari: Yes I think so.

Ram: I’m in a hurry today. Good-bye. See you tomorrow.

Hari: Good-bye.



Q.4. Write a short geographical description of Nepal. (Pg. No. 91, Ex.-1)

        Nepal is a land locked country. It is situated in the south Asia. It is surrounded by two big countries-India and China. It is a constitutional monarchial and democratic state. It is made up of 75 districts and 14 zones. The capital city is Kathmandu, which is in the central part of the country. Nepal has the total area of 1, 47,181 square kilometers and a population of about 23 million. Geographically, Nepal can be divided into three regions. They are described below.

a)      Himalayan Region: - This region extends from east to the west, which is located on the northern part of the country. It is covered by snow. It covers 15% of the land area. The highest mountain Mt. Everest that is 8848 metres high lies here. Most of the big rivers begin from this region. It is the least developed region. The climate is very cold. The people of this region wear thick clothes made of wool. The castes of people like Bhote, Tamang, Sherpa live here. They eat foods made of buckwheat and potatoes.

b)     Mountainous Region: - This region is situated between Himalayan region and Terai Region.  It covers 68% of the land area. Most of the valleys, and beautiful lakes are situated in this region. It is rich in wild animals also. The climate is temperate here. The people of this region are farmers and they are illiterate also. It is less developed region. The people like Brahmin, Chherti, Newar live here.

c)      Terai Region: - This region is situated to the southern part of Nepal. It covers 17% of land area which is a vast land of plain. Most of the big cities like Biratnagar, Dharan,Janakpur, and Nepalgang are located here. The region has modern facilities like electricity, telephone, irrigation and transportation. The region has very fertile land area. So it is called ‘The breadbasket of Nepal’. The climate is very hot here. The people are quite educated.