The Heritage of Words


-Ray Young Bear


If I saw her far away, I would immediately know it was her because I would see her purple scarf and plastic shopping bag. If I felt her hand touching my head, I would know they were her hands because they feel warm and wet and they smell of roots. If I heard a voice coming from a rock, I would know it was her voice. I would hear her words and it would be like, someone stirring a dying fire.


Ray Young Bear, in his poem “Grandmother,” remembers his dead grandmother who was the source of love and guidance for him. He tries to recall her creating vivid images that provide us a brief insight into the relationship between them.

The poet describes that the appearance of his grandmother was so familiar to him that he would recognize her though she was miles away. She was very loving to him, and used to visit the market carrying a plastic shopping bag and purple scarf. His grandmother was very affectionate towards him. She used to bless him with her warm hands that had the smell of his own roots. He feels the lack of her presence, and is lost in the images of her appearance. The absence of his grandmother highlights his feeling and attachments towards his own culture in which he grew up. But he is living in such a place where he is unable to find out the indigenous culture of the Mesquaki tribe.

The writer further describes that if the voices could come from the grave, he would recognize the words of his grandmother, and the words would flow inside him that would be the guidelines for him to lead his life. By presenting the picture of his dead grandmother, the poet is trying to search the American Indian’s identity that has been disappearing slowly and gradually forever.   


About Love

-Anton Chekhov


Anton Chekhov, a very famous Russian dramatist and story writer, talks on the nature of love in his famous story “About Love.” As in his most of the stories, he describes the sufferings of ordinary man in this story. Alyohin, the protagonist, suffers because he is bound to his responsibilities and the norms of the society.

Alyohin and his two friends were sitting in his village-home talking together. At the same time, Nikanor- the cook came there to ask what to serve for the guests at the dinner. According to Alyohin, the cook was in love with Pelageya and they were living together. But, Nikanor used to come home drinking a lot and used to beat her. That’s why, she didn’t want to marry him, instead, she wanted to live with him ‘just so.’ Nikanor was a religious man so he wanted to marry her.

Alyohin believes that love can not be defined just studying few cases, but he has a definite opinion that love is a hindrance and a source of dissatisfaction and irritation. To prove his opinion, he tells his own story to his guests.

After he graduated, Alyohin came back to his home at Sofyino. Though he was not fit for rough work, he was forced to work day and night to get rid of the debt that his father had taken to educate him. Although he was a landowner, he had to work as his servants until he paid off his debt.

Alyohin was elected honorary justice of circuit court, so that he had to go to the town go take part in the assizes of peace. He met Luganovich, the Assistant President of the court, and developed a good friendship with him. One day, Luganovich invited him to dine at his house where he met Anna, the wife of Luganovich. She was young and beautiful. Alyohin was attracted to her at first sight. Later, Alyohin came to his home-village, but he was disturbed by the memory of Anna. Every time, whenever he went to the city, he never came back without meeting her. The family accepted him as a noble fellow and developed a very good friendship with him. The Luganovich family believed that Alyohin was very unhappy because he had to busy himself on his farm instead of his education.

Though Anna and Alyohin loved each other, they could never express it. Alyohin thought Luganovich was not suitable for Anna but he could not marry her because he thought that it could ruin the peaceful family. Similarly, Anna also thought that she was not suitable for him. She also thought that he could marry with young and energetic girl. They loved each other very much but always tried to conceal it because of the society.

Later, Anna began to visit her parent’s house frequently. She was reported to have nervous breakdown. She was suffered and was not satisfied with her life. After many years, Luganovich was transferred to the Western provinces so he had to leave the town. Anna was sent to Crimea for her treatment. Before he bade goodbye to her, Alyohin entered into the apartment of Anna into the train and confessed his love towards her. Both of them wept for their love but they had to be separated forever.

At last, Alyohin comes to the conclusion that one should not reason his love from higher level, and should not give importance to happiness and unhappiness, sin or virtue, etc.


The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner

-          W. B. Yeats


Now that I am an old man I protect myself from the rain under an old and broken tree. When I was young I sat near the fire with other young men and discussed love or politics. That was before I was changed by time.

While young boys are making weapons to attack the government, and crazy, bad boys show their anger at human violence, I think about how time has changed me.

No woman would look at an old man, but I remember the woman I have loved. I spit into the face of time which has changed me.


W. B. Yeats, one of the moat important figures of 20th century poetry, expresses his grief of his old age in his poem entitled “The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner.” In this poem, the poet remembers about his young life and expresses his disgust against ‘Time’ that has changed him to an old man. The poet is furious because he has lost everything- his love, his youth and the power.

In his old age, the poet takes a shelter under a broken tree. He is neglected by everyone. But, he remembers that his chair used to be nearest to the fire where young people talked about love or politics. His youth was very interesting but the time has changed him to an old man.

The poet further describes that the boys are fighting for the power. They are making some kind of conspiracy to win the power. They are fighting against the wrong deeds of influencing people. But, the poet is lost in the thought and thinks about the time that has changed him completely. The woman whom he loved has left him and he does not get any sympathy from any beautiful women because he is an old man. But the poet is tortured by the memory of his youthful life. The poet thinks that ‘time’ is the great enemy that has transfigured him to an old man. That’s why, he spit with disgust into the face of time.


Two Long-Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees

-          Moti Nissani


This essay is about two problems that are going to make people’s lives much more badly. It is possible they will destroy all life on out planet. These problems are that there are too many people in the world (overpopulation) and that our forests are being destroyed. The problems are linked because when there are too many people, forests get cut down more quickly and trees do not get replaced.



Moti Nissani, in this thought-provoking essay “Two Long-Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees,” talks on two interrelated problems overpopulation and deforestation. He also emphasizes on the danger on eco-system caused by human activities that are creating pollution on this earth and making the earth unsuitable to live on.

In 1992, most o the Nobel Prize winner scientists came to the conclusion that the human activities have made irreversible damages on our biosphere and natural resources. If not controlled in time, the future is in serious risk of altering the present state of living creatures including humans themselves.

Danger diseases like cancer, emphysema, asthma are increasing these days in greater scale than in the previous decades. Toxic chemicals produced by men have affected children’s health and brain. We have polluted our own rivers, lakes, air, and have poisoned our food and our soil. Many of the living creatures have been disappeared already from the earth but we are producing more dangerous and harmful chemicals that may cause the disappearance of other many more species from the earth. Instead of thinking for the prevention, we come into the action when everything is ruined. Soil erosion, desertification, deforestation, floods are increased unexpectedly.

Because of the nutritious food, medicine and sanitation, the people are living longer and the population is growing out of control. To talk about Nepal, there were only 9 million people in 1951 but this number has been doubled within less than 30 years. If increased in the same rate, the population of Nepal will reach to 46 million by the year of 2026. Overpopulation not only creates pollution but it also increases crime rates and ethnic conflicts. Different kinds of environmental problems are created because of overpopulation. The most dangerous problem is the depletion of nonrenewable natural resources. But, it is not too difficult to control excessive growth of population. Modernization, literacy, media campaigns, readily available family planning measures and contraceptives, equal opportunities for women are effective methods to control overpopulation. Overpopulation causes equally dangerous problem- deforestation. People need more land to cultivate and more woods to fulfill their needs. Deforestation increases problems like soil erosion, siltation of rivers and dams, landslides, etc. The topsoil of Nepal is carried away by the rain and causes heavy floods in India and Bangladesh because of deforestation.

The number of human population is increased because of advances in nutrition, sanitation and health. The rate of deaths was higher in 50 years earlier but nowadays it is constant. That’s why, to control overpopulation, the government must bring various programmes and should run effective campaigns for awareness. The growth in population increases deforestation as well. So, moves towards participatory democracies, financial motivations for preserving forest, introduction of new technologies for recycling, and plantation in left areas can be effective methods to control deforestation. Appropriative technologies also provide support to protect forest. More efficient cooking stoves (smokeless chulo) proved successful in Nepali villages.

Population is the main problem of all environmental problems. We have the knowledge and power to control overpopulation but what is lacking is the powerful and ready hands to serve, and wisdom, courage and compassion to convert this knowledge into reality.


Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies

-William Shakespeare


Your father’s body is a long way under the sea,

His bones made of sea animals,

His eyes have now become pearls,

No part of him has disappeared,

But they have been changed by the sea into something strange,

Every hour sea creatures ring his funeral bell,


Listen! Now I can hear them - Ding-dong, bell



This poem is taken from Shakespeare’s world famous drama “The Tempest.” This is a song sung by the spirit- Ariel to Ferdinand, prince of Naples. Ferdinand was thinking that his father met his death in the ship-wreck.

Ariel tells Ferdinand that his father is lying in the deep sea. He is dead but his body is changed into something very valuable. No part of his body fades but only is changed by the sea. The bones of King Alonso are changed to coral and the eyes are changed to pearls. Ariel further tells that the sea-nymphs are singing the death bell for the king.

The death is very meaningful in this poem. The organs of the king do not fade away instead they are changed to very strange, valuable and long-lasting ornaments. The use of alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia beautify the poem.


Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star

-M. Lilla and C. Bishop Barry


This presented essay is an extract of a research article “Karnali, Roadless World of Western Nepal” published in National Geographic magazine in November, 1971. In this essay, the writers- the two famous geographers presents a picture of people and their life in Karnali zone, a remote and undeveloped part of Nepal. The article is the outcome of 15 months’ exploration by the geographers. This present essay presents a picture of how Karnali zone is linked economically to the lowland of Terai.

The writers began their journey towards Nepalganj from Jumla with their porters. Their porters had carried baskets full of highland products such as medicinal herbs, hashish, hand-knit sweaters and blankets with them. They had to sell those products at Nepalganj and had to take cloths and utensils with them. On their way towards Nepalganj, the writers met the people preparing Silajit. Instead of processing it in their home, they were preparing it in their wau just to avoid a bad star. During their journey, they came across bare hills, skeleton-like sal trees. When asked, the villagers replied that they didn’t have time to think for future since they had to feed their domestic animals. The situation presents the innocence of Karnali dwellers.

The writers had to walk about 2000 miles on foot because the zone was out from the reach of modern transportation. When they arrived at Nepalganj, the porters were busy in buying sweets, clothes and utensils that they would take to their home with them. The life in Karnali zone is very difficult. Because of the lack of cultivated land, the people have to do other extra economic activities in addition to agriculture. Whatever produced in their home village is not sufficient to sustain their life for the whole year. So they have to travel through narrow and dangerous paths regularly to support their earning.


Traveling Through the Dark

- William Stafford

Short Summary:

While at night a man finds a dead deer. He stops to push it off the road. He notices that it is pregnant and the unborn baby is still alive. He stops to think, then he pushes the dead animal into the river.


Paraphrase/ Explanation

First Stanza

I was traveling at night on the road by the Wilson River when I found a dead deer in the road. The road is not very wide. So the best thing to do is push the dead animal off the road into the river. If you try to drive around the deer’s body, you might drive off the road and be killed.

Second Stanza

I got off the car, leaving the lights on and I went to the deer. It had been killed recently, it was already stiff and nearly cold. I pulled the deer’s body to the edge of the road. Its stomach was large and I realized that her side was warm.

Third Stanza

When I touched the deer, I realized she was pregnant. It’s baby, inside her, was still alive and was waiting to be born- but it never would be. I stood by the road trying to decide what to do.

Fourth Stanza

The lights of the car shone and the engine was still on. I stood by the warm exhaust. I could hear the wild animals listening.

Fifth Stanza

I thought hard about what to do, my thoughts were the only thing that changed direction, then I pushed the dead deer off the road into the river.



In this poem “Traveling Through the Dark,” W. Stafford expresses his feelings when he came across the dead doe. One evening, the narrator was driving on the narrow road to the side of Wilson River; suddenly, he found a deer that was recently killed. Thinking that his further movement would cause more dead, he stopped his car.

The poet/narrator could not move forward neglecting the doe. He stepped back. On the dim rays of his car’s rear-light, he saw a doe that was almost cold. The poet/narrator tried to clear the road by dragging the doe to the side. But, he found out that the doe was pregnant. He could not stop himself thinking, he touched the belly with his fingers. Surprisingly, her side was warm. He was greatly moved when he found that her fawn was still alive inside her belly. But the doe was unable to give birth to her fawn. Thinking about the fate of the innocent fawn, the poet was lost in his thought and could not pace further.

But the car was producing fumes with its irritating sound as if it was in life. Comparing the situation of the die with the fawn, the poet throws a bitter satire on so-called nature-lovers. The poet was lost in his thought for the short time but at last, he changed his idea. Then he dragged the dead doe, threw it into the gorge and went away.


A Story

-Dylan Thomas

 “A Story,” written by Dylan Thomas, presents the adult’s world from a boy’s perspective. A boy is the narrator of the story. It is about a day’s outing by a charabanc. It was the time when the narrator (the boy) was very young. He was staying with his uncle and his wife (aunt). His uncle was very big and noisy but his aunt was small and quiet but was very fast on her works.

One day when the narrator (the boy) was reading an advertisement for sheepdip in the shop of his uncle, the friends of his uncle came there. The boy felt that the shop would burst. It seemed to him that all of them were lying together in a narrow drawer that smelled of cheese and turpentine. His uncle and his friends began to talk about their annual outing. Mr. Benjamin Franklyn informed that he has collected enough money and 20 cases of light beer for the outing. Mr. Franklyn also commented that he was sick because Will Sentry was following him as his shadow. Mr. Franklyn was furious because he could not have privacy. But the other members convinced him that he was only keeping an eye on money. Mr. Franklyn then replied if they suspect him that he would spend the money as Bob the Fiddle did, he would resign from the post of treasurer. Then, they began to play cards at the shop.

On the Sunday evening, when the boy and his uncle were eating sardines in the kitchen, Mr. Franklyn followed by Will Sentry came in and informed that he had brought the list of person for the outing. The aunt of the boy was somewhere else in the kitchen. His uncle approved the list and said that he would throw Bob the Fiddle into the sea if they were not a Christian community. Suddenly, his uncle’s wife appeared in front of them. She threatened him that if he went on the outing on Saturday, she would go to her mother’s house. That whole week she remained quiet. But on the next Saturday morning, the boy found a note on the kitchen table. She had left the house.

Thomas told the narrator (the boy) that it was same every year. He also proposed that the boy also should participate that year on the outing because there was nobody in the house to look after him. Other members commented on bringing a boy with them but soon they forgot him. They started their journey on the morning. They stopped at a public house named “Mountain Sheep” for drink and stayed there for 45 minutes. The boy was left outside to guard the bus. Later when he looked into the shop, he found out that everyone was fully drunk. They were shouting and dancing inside the public house. After they finished all the available drink from Mountain Sheep, they again began their journey. On their way, whenever they passed a public house, they had to stop their charabanc for Mr. Weazley. They would drink from the back door even though it was closed.

On their way, they found a river and all of them got down to feel the cool water. It was already dusk. All of the thirty members were fully drunk and were careless about the happenings of outside world. On their way back home, they were traveling on moonlight. Old O. Jones began to cook his super in the bus. Then, they stopped the bus and took out all remaining drink. They again began to drink when Old O. Jones cooked sausages and potatoes. The boy felt sleepy, so he slept against his uncle’s mountainous waist coat.


God's Grandeur

-G. M Hopkins

 G. M. Hopkins in his beautiful sonnet "God's Grandeur" praises the greatness of the God. The poem pays the homage to the God who has gifted the earth with such a beauty. But the poet is serious because modern generations have forgotten the power of the God.

The greatness of the God is spread everywhere. As the bright light reflected from the shook foil, the brightness of the God covers the entire world. Similarly, as the trinkles of the oil is gathered from the crushed oil, the magnificence of the God is spread everywhere. There is not any place on this earth where there is no existence of the mighty God. But the modern generations have forgotten what the God has done for them. Because o the industrialization, the earth is getting polluted and the beauty of the earth is covered with the garbage from the industries. Generations have followed the path of the God, but the poet wonders why modern people are not afraid of the God who can punish anyone. Modern people have become too materialistic, they have lost the spiritual beauty. The earth is full of men's bad smell and the earth has become bare. The creativity, fertility and the virtue of the earth is lost because of the dirt that we have thrown everywhere. But we can't feel the bareness of the earth because of the shoes. Modern people are unable to fell whether the earth is hard of soft.

But the beauty of the earth is never spoiled. The beauty of the earth comes from the depth of the earth and refreshes itself. As the bright day emerges after the dark night is spent, the earth always keeps its everlasting beauty because the God is protecting us by covering us from the danger as the bird covers her chickens from her wings. Thus, the poet praises the greatness of the God in this poem.

I Have A Dream

-Martin Luther King

 Historical and Cultural Background

From about the year 1600 (Western calendar), white people in North America brought Negroes (black Americans) from Africa to be slaves. The slaves are owned by the farmers. The slave cannot leave the farm and must work without being paid.

In 1787, the constitution of U.S.A. stated that all men are created equal, and that all men have the right to life, liberty (freedom) and the pursuit of happiness. But these rules were not for the Negro slaves. They were not allowed to live like the white people and they were not free.

In 1862, President Lincoln made the Emancipation Declaration. This said that all slaves were free. They could leave the farms where they had been slaves and must be paid for work they did.

However, the Negroes were still not treated equally. In many states in the southern part of the U.S.A. black children were not allowed to go to the same schools as white children, and black people were not allowed into the hotels, restaurants and buses that white people used. This was called segregation and it still existed at the time Martin Luther King made his speech in 1963.

Many Negroes were also poor. They lived in very bad quality houses in special areas called ghettos- where white people did not live. They were treated very badly by white people and it was difficult for them to get good jobs or to get a good education.



“I Have A Dream” is a speech delivered by Martin Luther King, the greatest leader of the black civil rights movement. The speech was made on August 28, 1963 in front of Lincoln Memorial when the Americans were celebrating 100th anniversary of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. There were 200,000 people, black and white listening to their non-violent leader and his unforgettable speech.

King was not satisfied with the condition of America where the black people were facing social problems. In 1862, Lincoln had signed on the constitution that had freed the Blacks from their slavery but the condition was not improved for so long period. The Blacks were suffering from the destructive flame of injustice. The declaration of freedom made by Lincoln came as the daybreak in the darkness of Negro’s life but it didn’t end the discrimination between the white and black in the country.

Lather King further states that the racial injustice has weaken the strength of America. Black people didn’t have the right for voting, they were not allowed to enter into the motels that were built for the whites, they had to live inside the ghettos and the black children were not allowed to go to the schools where the white children went. So, he asks his people to continue the struggle until they could enjoy the true means of liberty. But he alerts his followers not to come into violent action for the fate of the black depended on the mutual support of the whites. The dream of integrated America could be achieved only by spreading the affectionate hands towards the whites. So, he kindly asks his people to share hands in hands with the white people as well because hatred towards them could only bring tragedy.

Luther King is so hopeful for the future that he has a beautiful dream of America. He has a dream that one day, the white and the black will walk together hands in hands. The children of the white will walk together with the children of the black as brothers and the sisters, and the strength of one will be judged by the content of one’s character not by the colour of one’s skin. He has a dream that the discrimination will completely end in America and the true freedom will be enjoyed by everyone equally. King’s dream of future is the dream of united America.

For this majestic achievement, King raises voice to sing the song of freedom together, and to spread the voice of freedom to all parts of America, so that all Americans can sing together “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!”


Women’s Business

-Ilene Kantrov

 Ilene Kantrov, in her essay entitled “Women’s Business,” describes how American business women started their business in U.S.A. She talks in detail about Lydia E. Pinkham and the other American women who followed Lydia’s ideals.

Lydia E. Pinkham initiated the techniques to advertise her products. She was successful because she combined her business with social work. She produced an unproven home remedy called Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. In spite of her advertisement, she advocated on women’s rights, temperance and fiscal reform. She established Department of Advice and suggested women about diet, exercise and hygiene. Pinkham took advantage of general feminine problems. She was the most successful woman in the history of American business women.

Other women like Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden also followed the techniques of Pinkham but they took the help of glamour to advertise their products. Both of them produced cosmetics and attracted the attention of the customers by marrying European aristocrats.

Many of the women business was based on the traditional women’s skill. Lydia Pinkham used to prepare home remedy for her family before her husband’s business was in danger. Margaret Rudkin helped her husband by producing additive-free bread which she used to make for her asthmatic son. Elizabeth Arden brought respective attitude towards the cosmetics that were not treated as the respectable “facial treatment.” Arden also established salons and advised on hairstyling, nutrition and exercise. Rubinstein advised on diet and explained the advantages of raw foods.

Though many of the American business women were able to spread the image of social worker, their main eye was for making the profits. The claims made by those female entrepreneurs were sometimes false and their claims were taken by the authorities. Pinkham advocated on temperance, but she was selling alcohol. The American business women entered into the world of male business by their creative efforts of combining their social activities with their business, and the risk they took in advertising their products.


The Children Who Wait

-Marsha Traugot


In this essay, Marsha Traugot describes about the new trends in the concept of child adoption in U.S.A. Comparing the past situation with the present situation, she describes in detail about the factors that brought the change in the field of adoption.

Tammy, a five and half years old girl who is suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome has been freed for adoption. The social organization is looking for a one or two parent, black or biracial family with older siblings. If it was 20 years back, Tammy wouldn’t be regarded as a suitable child for adoption.

In the past, non-white, handicapped and the children beyond infancy were not considered to be adoptable. Similarly, single parent, black parent and the family with older siblings were not allowed to adopt the child. So, non-white and handicapped children waited in their foster care for a long time.

The black civil rights movement, women movement, social science research, etc. have brought changes in the concept of adoption. Because of birth control, legalized abortion, and changing attitudes towards sexual behaviour and marriage, the number of available healthy infants decreased in the foster care. That’s why, people began to think about other waiting children.

The number of children in the foster care increased to a half million in America during 1978. And it was very difficult to keep them longer because they would suffer from many problems such as pseudo-mental retardation, learning disabilities, mental illness, criminality and abnormal behavior. The foster and social workers had to struggle to keep their health condition normal. Political parties wouldn’t spend for the children in the foster care. So the social workers had to change the criteria and the varieties of family were considered to be good family for the adoption. In the present context, the social organizations, first of all, study and analyze the character of the child, and then match the parents who are willing to adopt a child. They held regular meetings and discuss their problems. If they are failed to find the suitable match, they broadcast blitzes on TV describing the child in detail. Thus, the child gets his/her permanent family.


A Child Is Born

-Germaine Greer

Germaine Greer, an Australian writer, talks about the differences in traditional society of the East and the modern society of the West in matters of pregnancy, child birth and child bearing.

There are many ways of managing childbirth in the traditional societies. All of the members in the family are devoted in taking care of the pregnant woman, so that she is free from any psychic burden. Besides, various religious beliefs, social taboos and prohibitions help to reduce the anxiety of the pregnant woman. But in the Western society, the mother has to take all responsibility in her shoulder, so she is suffered from mental disturbance.

The rate of child mortality is high in the traditional society, but they are keeping their traditional values with them. In the traditional society, the whole family waits new baby and all the family members celebrates the arrival with joy. There is a good feast in the house, and the girls dance and sing until late night. The mother in traditional society loses her name and is called after the name of her first baby. The Westerners find this tradition to be savage and takes as the domination upon the women. But the Westerners themselves don’t feel any shame when they lose their surname after their marriage.

In the traditional society, the child helps to develop a good relationship among the members of the family. Each member of the family does have different duties and helps each other to provide good care to the children. Someone in the family takes charge to prepare food while the other washes the clothes, and the other entertains the children. It seems that the children have better relationship with their uncles and aunts than with their own parents.

The woman in the family is highly respected when she gives birth to a child in the traditional society. The woman feels satisfied because she is able to fulfill the will of the family. By giving birth to the child, she isn’t only giving prestige to the family, but also earning favors of the family members. A woman is cared with much attention during her pregnancy period & everyone is ready to satisfy her. In the traditional society, the woman goes to her mother’s house in the time of giving birth to the child, and everyone is ready to satisfy her.

The Western medicine has brought problems in the traditional society. The medicines are highly expensive and the hospitals can’t be established without foreign aid. The doctors and the nurses cannot understand the mothers properly and their woes because they are unable to understand the language of the mothers.

Though the West treats the Eastern society severely being savage, the women in such society don’t feel alone during her pregnancy period. The help of family members help to reduce her anxieties but in the Western society, the mother has to take the whole responsibility on her shoulders. The writer concludes, if the Western technologies were not introduced in such traditional societies, the growth of population would be automatically controlled.


The Tale-Tale Heart

-Adgar Allan Poe

 “The Tell-Tale Heart” is a very surprising story of Adgar Allan Poe, a famous American short story writer. In this story, Poe makes his narrator unfold in minute details the many folds of a mystery and leads his readers to the shock of the end.

The narrator of the story is not willing to accept himself as a mad man. He describes that he is gifted with the acute sense of hearing. He wants to prove himself a healthy person, and to prove this he tells a murder case. He describes in detail how did he planned the murder.

The narrator was not fond of the old man. He didn’t have any passion to get the wealth of the old man; neither had he been treated ill by the old man. But he hated the eyes of the old man very much and to get rid of those eyes, he planned to kill the old man. He treated the old man very well before he killed the old man so that the old man could not feel that he was planning to kill him. The narrator entered many times into the room of the old man at mid night, but he could not kill him because the eyes of the old man were closed.

On the eighth night, he secretly entered into the room of the old man holding the dark lantern in his hand. It took him hours to enter into the room of the old man. But suddenly the old man moved on his bed. He thought that the fear of the old man was growing because he sat up on his bed listening. Later, the narrator opened the lantern, the thin ray of the light fell directly on the eyes of the old man. When the narrator saw those terrible eyes, he ran towards the bed and pulled the old man down from his bed. He killed the old man putting the bed over him. The old man gave a loud cry when he was pulled down.

Then the narrator cut the dead body into pieces and hides them under the wooden floor. It was almost 4 o’clock in the morning when he finished his job. But two policemen arrived there because the neighbors had informed the police when they heard the loud cry in the house. The police could not get anything from him. He put his chair over the place where he had hidden the body and began to talk with the police. The policemen were convinced with his answers and his behaviors but he could not control himself when he heard the sound of the clock ticking which he mistook as the beating of the heart of the old man, and revealed his crime to the police.



-W. B. Yeats

 “Purgatory,” a play by W. B. Yeats, is about the sufferings of the spirits. Yeats believes in the life after death. “Purgatory” also presents a story of a soul that is unable to purge itself.

The play opens with the old man coming back to his old house with his son. His mother was a very rich girl who married a simple groom. The marriage was not approved by the family but the girl didn’t listen to anybody. But she faced her death while giving birth to the very Old Man. After the death of his wife, the groom began to drink a lot and misused the property which was not liked by the Old Man. When he was 16 years old, his father came drunk late night and put the house on fire. It made him furious. So, he killed his father with a knife and threw him into the fire. Then he fled to the other land fearing to be punished. He wondered here and there until he became a peddler on the road. He married to a tinker’s daughter and gave birth to his son. It was the anniversary of his mother’s marriage when he returned to his hometown.

The Old Man and the Boy are in front of the destroyed house. The Old Man sees the ghost of his mother wondering inside the house. The soul of his mother was unable to free itself from its memory, and was repeating the consequences again and again. Later, the Old Man saw his father going towards his mother to have relationship with her. The Old Man called his mother not to touch his drunkard father. When described by the Old Man, the Boy could not see anything but just the broken windows of the house.

The Old Man dropped some coins on the ground. The Boy planned to run away with the coins but the Old Man saw it and they quarreled to each other. The Boy threatened to kill the Old Man because he was the murderer of his grandfather and was very old then. But later, when he saw the ghost of his grandfather on the window of the damaged house, he closed his eyes. The Old Man murdered his son using the same knife that he used to kill his father thinking that the soul of his mother would be purged from its sin. But unfortunately, he heard the beating of his father’s horse, and knew that he was failed to free the soul of his mother. However, he hoped, one day the God would show sympathy to her and her soul would be purged itself from its sin.


Hansel and Gretel

        Jack Zipes

 Jack Zipes study the story of “Hansel and Gretel” in Marxist point of view. According to Carl Max, there are always two classes in the society: the higher class and the working class. The higher class (bourgeoisie) always dominates the working people so that there’s always struggle between the classes. And the working class always revolts against the higher class. Zipes presents the story as the story of hope and victory.

The ‘struggle’ of the children with the witch is the struggle against high class people whose house is filled with various foods when there is not any food in the house of the poor. The children return back to their home with pearls killing the witch that is the rewards for them to end their poverty.

The woodcutter is very simple and represents ordinary people of working class. He is forced to leave his children in the jungle because of the lack if food. At the end of 18th century, the feudal system was breaking down. The witch represents the feudal system, the greed and the brutality of the high-class group. The killing of the witch symbolizes the hatred of working class towards their oppressors. The children do not show any hatred towards their step-mother, because they are aware of the fact that their society has enforced the system of which they are the victims.

The story reveals the structure of the society, and makes the common people aware of the fact. It also teaches them the process to fight against their oppressors and find out the methods to survive in the society.


The Boarding House

-          James Joyce

 In his story “The Boarding House” James Joyce presents a picture of his own experience of growing up in Dublin, Ireland. In this story he presents a story of a determined woman who manages her family successfully even in tough time.

Mrs. Mooney was a butcher’s daughter. She married with one of the leader of her father’s shop and started her own near Spring Gardens. But after the death of his father-in-law, Mr. Mooney began to drink and ruined the name of the family. One day he fought with his wife in front of the customers and ran with naked knife towards his wife. Mrs. Mooney went to her neighbor’s house with her children and afterward she lived separated from her husband. With the saved money, Mrs. Mooney ran a boarding house where various people used to live. Mrs. Mooney’s daughter – Ms Polly was a beautiful and young girl of 19 who sang with her boarders at the Sunday nights. Polly talked with the young men and flirted them but Mrs. Mooney knew that nobody was serious on the matter.

Mrs. Mooney kept watching Ms Polly but didn’t say anything for she was waiting for the appropriate moment. Ms Polly also knew that her mother was watching her, but knew why she was left free. Mrs. Mooney sent her daughter to corn merchant’s office but she called her back when the sheriff came asking about her. Mrs. Mooney began to get fame as a keeper of a boarding house. Everyone respected her and addressed as “madam”.

One Day, Mrs. Mooney noticed that there is something between her daughter and one of her boarder – Mr. Doran. He was a serious type of person and had a good job. Every one in the house knew about the affair but Mrs. Mooney waited for the right time. When she realized that her daughter had serious relationship with Mr. Doran, she planned to deal the matter.

Mrs. Mooney had talked to her daughter on the previous night about the subject, and Ms Polly was frank in answering her mother’s questions. Early in the Sunday morning, Ms Polly entered into the room of Mr. Doran and told that her mother was planning to talk with him. Mr. Doran consoled her with soft words. Mr. Doran didn’t want to socialize the affair because that would make him to lose his job but he couldn’t accept the girl easily because he feared that his family would not accept her. But on the other hand, Mrs. Mooney had made a clear plan how to deal with Mr. Doran. She could protect her side because Mr. Doran was around 35 and Polly was a very young girl. She could bargain that he was taking the advantage of an innocent girl.

When Mr. Doran was with Ms. Polly and talking with her, the servant called Mr. Doran. Ms. Polly remained in his room dreaming her future. After some time, she heard the voice of her mother that Mr. Doran was willing to talk with her. She ran towards her mother dreaming the life with Mr. Doran.

Thus, the story presents the character of a woman who boldly faces the problem of the family and save it from ruin.



Computer: Good or Bad


Computer is the most extraordinary scientific invention of 21st century. It is a technical device which stores, analyze the data and displays the results. Computer has been the part of life in the modern era. The use of computer is growing day by day in the field of education, business, school and colleges, and different offices. The computer has made the life of people easier, and it has helped the people to enhance their knowledge on the corners of the world’s vast sea of knowledge, but it also has many disadvantages as well.

Computers are widely used in the offices to input data and necessary information preserving it for the future use. One can use computer for typing with more clarity and efficiently. An enthusiastic learner can gain vast knowledge of the world using the computer. Computer has been the blessing for the researchers. We can explore the world and enter into the sphere of knowledge within the click of the mouse. The researcher can gather the sources of relevant materials for his research using the internet. We can read the books that are stored in the library that are miles away from us. The world is growing narrower because of the invention of the computer. A learner who has the thirst for knowledge can quench his thirst by entering into the web-sites of the universities and research organizations that are available in the internet. Besides, one can make the world known about his own findings using the computer and the net.

  Computers, in this modern era, are widely used in the houses. Computer is used for typing, printing the documents, listening music and playing games. It helps people to utilize their time involving themselves in creative activities like designing, and earn money staying in their own home. We can design a simple and beautiful model of a house or clothing or a complex scientific machine using the computer. The children can enjoy playing games, listening music and watching movies on the computer. They can extend their knowledge and do their homework on the computer. The pleasure that is achieved by means of computer can’t be described in mere words. A lot of employment opportunities are created for the trained persons. A difficult calculation is easily solved within the seconds using the computer.

Similarly, the business sector is also flourishing because of this invention. Computers are widely used in the factories, supply agencies and big shopping centers. We can shop at the world’s market and fulfill our wishes as per our choice and interest. Computer has reduced the cost of production since it has helped the firm carry out the difficult work using less manpower. The services that are provided by the computers are more reliable and consume less time. The company can advertise its product throughout the world using the internet. It has been effective for the quick order and delivery of the demanded goods. We can connect to the world within a few seconds using the internet and the e-mail. We can send mails and receive the mails from any corner of the world within a blink. More than that, business companies can use the computer to bring new ideas, developing new projects and designing new items using the computer. We just wonder for the delights that are brought by the computer.

Computer has been one of the extraordinary boons of the modern scientific era. But it also has been the curse for the people. Children waste their time playing games on the computer. They forget their study and the homework. People are growing lazy since they can order anything pressing simple keys on the keyboard. They lack physical exercise and many have complained that the long use of computer also harms our eyesight. Computer also has created unemployment because more complex and dangerous works are taken over by the computerized robots. Less manpower is needed in the offices and the factories because the computer can perform the job efficiently than the human beings.

Computer can harm business as well. Lots of data are preserved in the disks of the computer. If the disk containing important information is attacked by the viruses, the company cannot overcome the loss made by the computer. Besides, the hackers can crack into the field of protected area and can make the damage to the company and offices. We need skilled and learned manpower to operate the computer. Ordinary persons can not operate the computer. More than that, various trainings are needed for the operators which is highly expensive. Computers are easily available and are used in various fields effectively, but normal and poor people can not afford for it. People get addicted on the computer and they lose the power of creativity. People gather knowledge and ideas from others so that they lose their own skill and creative power.

Computer has many disadvantages. However, it has been the effective tool to keep with the time and it has eased the life of people. The world is growing narrator and the feeling of global brotherhood is increased because of the use of internet and the e-mail. Computer can be an effective tool to bring development in the poor country like Nepal. Computer helps people to bring change and economic growth for the nation. 



