Reason to Write

Unit One


Human Cloning: Advantages and Disadvantages


Human cloning is a burning issue in the field of science. It has created confusion among the scientists. It is the creation of genetically identical copy (carbon copy) of human being. The creation of human being from the cell of parent is called reproductive cloning and the creation of the cells or tissues for the treatment or replacement of the cell is called the rapeutic cloning.

Though cloning has been successfully applied in animals and plants, it has created a great conflict among the human beings. Though cloning has many advantages, people are much scared with its likely dangers. If we stared to create exact copies of people by means of cloning, it would create a lot of problems. Creation of exact copy of a person will have many practical and genetic problems in the human society. Human being is unique in nature. Cloning would not allow people to be unique and personally distinct. Physical resemblance of many people may cause practical problems when one can’t be distinguished from the others. Their identical traits create confusion and problems in others. Moreover, it affects badly in the role relationship of the staff in a company or in an office as it may lead to the creation of genetically engineered groups of people for specific purposes. There may be numerous unknown and un-identified defects of cloning in the offspring, like the transmission of defective genes. A clone can’t acquire potential power of brain, one is limited to parents. So, further progress and investigations are hampered. The cloned person may have diminished sense of individuality. Cloning might create havoc in the traditional concepts; and the cultural activities like marriages, caste-system, etc. It might affect in the investigation of crimes for lot of people might have identical genetic characteristics.

Cloning certainly has many benefits in the human life. First of all, it is beneficial to the sterile parents who can’t give birth to their biological children. This process of creating the future generation is highly applicable and is useful to many species of birds and animals in the verge of extinction. Although, this process can’t be helpful to save/ create the vanished creatures using their dead cells, it may be helpful to save others in the line of disappearance. The parents with defective genes, who are in dangers of giving birth to the offspring, get ample opportunity to create healthy children. Even a single parent can have babies. They can choose the traits as they wish. Similarly, it can be useful for the treatment of many types of genetic diseases as well as in the replacement of new tissues such as cancer, plastic surgery, etc.

Despite many defects and doubts cloning can’t be legally banned. Cloning should be controlled and be applied only in the limited cases and circumstances. It is the responsibility of the government to control such type of human experimentations. Cloning shouldn’t be made legally free for everyone for the experiments. It should be handed to the professionally responsible people with great care and conscious supervision. However, cloning has created ethical problems.


Unit 2

Write a descriptive essay about a childhood relationship with a person who has had a powerful influence over you.

An Idol of God


I loved to stay at home than going to the school during my childhood days because there was an interesting and really loving and caring person to me, it was my uncle. He was then in his thirties. I used to call him “Prem Chachu.” He was a kind, clever and religious person. He would go to the temple every morning and to his job in the day. I used to pass most of my morning and evenings with him. He taught me a great deal of being kind, studious and religious person. He has great influence in my life which I didn’t realize until I was a grown-up. He was a good caregiver in my childhood and a source of inspiration and role model to follow in my career.


I was much happier to be with him. He made up my dolls and playthings out of papers and clothes. Sometimes, he used to buy some interesting toys from the market. We would go together to the temples in the fine mornings. He used to worship and I kept on watching the way he worshipped. Then he would take me to the nearby shops to buy sweets for me. Returning home, he would read stories of morals for me. He showed me that worshipping and reading moral stories make us happy and patients.While I was in elementary school, I was a little revolting with my classmates. My parents were busy, so they couldn’t take me to the school. My ‘Prem Chachu’ would always go together with me to the school. He would call my friends and would make our groups. When I was in the class, I would take my seat at the last bench. Sometimes, my uncle used to come to my school and talk with my teachers about me. Then he would come to me and ask me to sit with other friends, play together, come back home together. And sometimes, in holidays, my uncle took us to the children’s park. He taught me how to become kind and co-operative with friends.

As I grew older I was keen interested on my education. My uncle helped me to do my homework. The teachers appreciated my tasks and my progress in school. He brought interesting novels and science-fictions for me. I was very happy to read science fiction. Despite being busy in his job, my uncle used to take me to big libraries and let a chance to read many types of books and magazines. It became a regular habit of me to go to the library to read extra curricular materials. Every Saturday morning, we would go to the temple to worship. Prem chachu taught me all “Do’s and Don’ts” of becoming a great person in the society. His devotion for making me studious can’t be expressed on words. He taught me the value of education. He used to say, “King is worshipped in one nation, but an educated person is worshipped worldwide; material achievement make people unhappy and dissatisfied, but the more one get educated, the more satisfied he becomes.” He influenced me to become an educated person, I can never forget him.

Prem chachu was not only my friend in my childhood but also a flame of light to brighten up my career. I now understand how much devotion and sacrifice he made to make me what I’m today. The way he loved me, taught me morals, and the way he motivated me to become sociable as well as the way he inspired me to read, are praiseworthy. I’m still being regularly injected with his enthusiasm and inspirations to grow healthier in the society and brighten up my future career. I always remember him as an Idol of God in my life.


Unit 3

Classification Essay


Q. Write a classification essay about different types of countries on the basis of government system. In what respect are they same or different?


The countries of the world can be divided into three groups or categories in term of the forms and the functions of the government. Function of the government meant the supremacy of the ruler, i.e. who makes the decision of the government, and makes rules and laws. The three categories are: monarchy, democracy and the dictatorship. The ruling systems and the centralization of the power and the rights are different in these three types of the government.

Monarchy is the form of the government in which a monarch is the head of the state. There are different ways and procedures of choosing the head of the states in different forms of the governments. In monarchy, the monarch isn’t elected or sent by the people. He becomes monarch due to the birth in a ruling family. Monarchy is the oldest system of the government. In the past, monarchs ruled the countries with absolute power. Most of the world-countries were ruled by a monarchy. A monarch is called differently in different countries. Nepal had absolute monarchy for about 238 years. Recently, the monarchy is abolished. The monarch of Nepal was called the king. In Great Britain, queen is the monarch; in Japan, king emperor; Sultan in Arab Emirates. Monarchy can be of two types: absolute monarchy and ceremonial monarchy. There are many similarities between ceremonial monarchy and democracy except who will be the head of the states.

Democracy is a form of government in which people have rights and freedom to choose the head of the states by means of election. In democratic countries, there are many limitations of the government in terms of time and authority. A government is formed for a certain period of time, and if any government can’t function well or is likely to act less effectively, the representatives to the people in the parliament can draw them back from the government and form a new government. The members of the parliament are elected through the direct election and the majority of the MPs elect the head of the government and the country. In some countries, the President is the head of the country; in some, the Prime Minister is the head of the government. Nepal is democratic country where President is the head of the country and the Prime Minister is the head of the government. In democratic countries, people have different rights: rights to speak, rights to choose the job, right to live freely, travel freely within the country, form parties, etc. Unlike in democratic countries, people under dictatorship aren’t entitled to such freedom.

A dictatorship is a form of government in which a person rules the country with absolute power. The rise of the dictator isn’t usual or natural; they aren’t elected by the people. They seize the power through illegal or violent way or by means of military coup. Anybody from the previous government or a military leader or a group of rebels or a religious leader often causes such a coup, and come into power when the country is in weak condition or in a transitional phase. Dictators discriminates the people, they don’t allow reasonable freedom. People are forced to obey what the government allows/dictates. Dictators rule the country by means of brute force to sustain their power on the government.

There are many expectations of the people from the government. A good government maintains peace, prosperity and harmony in the country. The government has to be committed to its people and the nation, welfare of the people, and the prosperity of the country. People in such government system are happier and freer. They have love and rue sense of patriotism. All the citizens devote their entire lives to flourish the country. It is the responsibility of the government to feel the sense of responsibility and provide sense of security its citizens.



 Unit 4


                                                              Privacy in Workplace


      How do you feel when you are in CCTV area of an office?  Modern technology has made it easier for the employers to protect their business from external damages. But the use of technology or the means of the workplace monitoring has raised lots of debates between the employers and employees. Workplace monitoring has both advantages as well as disadvantages.

      Monitoring workplace has been effective to enhance working environment in office. The modern technology has eased the office activities but the employees may be using office system for their personal purpose. Monitoring prevents the employees from using office systems for their personal advantage. Similarly, misconduct of an employee can be checked and suggestive advices might help to build up his ability. The employees may be leaking the office secrets, monitoring controls the workers from revealing the office secrets which saves the company from the loss. Harassment has been a hot debate in the field of work place. Monitoring discourage harassment within the office premises. Work place monitoring encourages the employees to treat the customers warmly. It is best method for making fair evaluation of workers’ performance. Though monitoring systems has lots of advantage it has a lot of disadvantages as well.

Workplace monitoring prevents the workers from working freely. They have psychological pressure in working, so creativity might be lost. Monitoring workplace is a method to exercise power over workers. The superior may misuse it to show their power and control the workers. The workers may have personal secret which might be harmful if made public. The authority might use the information to exploit the workers and encourage the managers to discriminate the workers. Personal lookouts, checking through the files of the workers, or using modern techs for the monitoring may be taken as a direct invasion on the privacy of workers. Monitoring has raised a lot of ethical questions. Does any one has the right to know someone personal information?

I think suggestive monitoring is good. If the monitoring system encourage the workers to work and enhance their proficiency, the monitoring would be really effective. Workplace monitoring is beneficial for the employers. They can find out the weakness of their workers and the company will be able to serve better. But lots of workers take it as an invasion on their privacy and report that they can not work with personal freedom. So, proper methods of monitoring should be applied in a workplace for ensuring effective service.